In it's January 4 edition, the Journal of Biological Chemistry published an article that indicates the CWD (chronic wasting disease) may be transmissible to humans.
CWD is a form of Mad Cow Disease(bovine spongiform encephalopathy) disease that affects deer. These diseases are related to CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease).
Chronic wasting disease is the deer form. According to this article, transmission of this disease to humans appears possible!
Charlene (last name withheld), 1st known US case of BSE |
Don't eat venison! (That's simple!)
Like AIDS, Mad Cow Disease and most of the other new diseases that have begun to show up in the human population and the populations of the animals that we are closest to the way to avoid the diseases is simple: No unprotected sex, no eating animals (particularly factory farmed animals, or animals whose populations are closely controlled by humans).
A little background:
Mad Cow Disease was first identified in England in 1986. Since then, BSE has been found on every continent, with several cases in the US.
For those who think that animal diseases should not be our concern should remember: AIDS started as a primate disease in Africa!
Mad Cow Disease, in humans Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, is lethal.
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