According to the article, written by Humberto Sanchez, the House Appropriations Committee proposed cuts that swept across the board. Mr. Sanchez states that the bill cuts into "sacred cows," such as NASA, the FBI and Amtrak.
I don't eat meat, but I still think that, as Kriegel and Brandt named their book, sacred cows make the best burgers.

The list of cuts in the article show that dozens of differnet departments are having their budgets cut. this is exactly what the GOP Representatives (and Senators) said they would. Here in Wisconsin, Governor Walker did a bait and switch, saying that unions would have to make sacrifices, but never saying that he would pull their collective bargaining powers. This action by the GOP Representatives is exactly what they said they were going to do.
Normally, I lean left on issues, but in this case, this article, which comes off as somewhat hysterical, is exactly that hysterical and not honest about the spread of the cuts. The subtitle, "Proposal includes cuts for NASA, local police, rural development and low-income women." All they forgot mention was the enslavement of bunnies and starving kittens.
I don't know the details of the cuts, but if cuts are going to spread throughout the budget, it is disingenuous to imply that somehow they are unfair.
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